Partners > Fundraiser
Reach Your Fundraising Goals Faster
Sign Up
Sign up to get access to new donations from BooknGoGo members for free. Generate a whole new group of supporters.
Sign in
Create your account and set up your mini-site on our app and your donation subscriptions and an online store for merchandise.
BooknGoGo members chose their favorite causes, every purchase has a % for donations which is routed to these selected organizations.
Your Members
Use your unique referral code to invite your members to BooknGoGo. Earn 10% of our net margin on all purchases made by your members within our network.
Instant Funds
Donations are remitted as earned instantly to your linked bank account or your GoGo Debit Card. Your member's purchases settle in real-time.
Instant Pay processing costs as low as 0.75%. Keep more of your donations.